10月23日上午,我校模拟联合国社团于图书馆二楼报告厅召开了第一届南通中学模拟联合国大会。 校长助理沈惠祥致辞并宣布大会召开,团委副书记张云老师、学生处主任助理潘雪峰老师、历史学科范晔老师等到场指导。我校高三年级周梦蝶同学作为本次大会的主席致辞。 本次大会选取了联合国体系中的人权委员会,议题为“消除宗教偏执”。会上,同学们身着正装,围绕这一主题踊跃发言,各抒己见,站在所代表国的立场激烈交锋,以外交官的姿态完成了高水准的发言。最终在经过3个多小时紧张的磋商后,会议产生了一份有效的决议案并圆满落幕。 模拟联合国大会作为中学生群体中的一项知名课外活动,不仅是一次对英语、政治、历史等学科知识能力的考察与锻炼,更是一项培养精英精神与领袖气质的活动。学生的交流表达和组织协调能力都在模拟联合国的活动中有了明显的提高。 |
On the morning of 23rd October, the members of Nantong Middle School Model United Nations Club had their first Model United Nations conference at the lecture room of Hong Guan Building.
The vice principal, Mr. Shen Huixiang, announced the beginning of the conference. Ms. Zhang Yun, Mr. Pan Xuefeng, and Mr. Fan Ye attended as supervisors. Zhou Mengdie from Senior 3, held the conference as the chair.
The committee of this conference was Human Rights Council beneath United Nations assembly. The topic was “the elimination of religious intolerance”. At the conference, delegates, all in suits, presented the positions that their countries hold as actual diplomats. After debating, negotiating, and compromising for more than 3 hours, the council passed an effective draft resolution.
Model United Nations conference, as a highly celebrated extracurricular activity, is popular not only as a practice of disciplinal knowledge of English, Political Science and History, but also as a chance to cultivate elite spirit and overall manner. The communicational and expressive skills of a student, as well as the ability of organizing and coordinating, can be improved in the conference too.